The Wolds Way dropping down into Lang Dale in the Yorkshire Wolds
The Wolds Way dropping down into Lang Dale in the Yorkshire Wolds

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Whilst you're out and about why not get involved in 'The Ancient Tree Hunt'

| Routes Library | NY Moors | Yorkshire Dales | Yorkshire Wolds |
| Lake District | Howgill Fells | Peak District | Teesdale |

Yorkshire Walks Library 1993 - 2000
Yorkshire Wolds - index . . .

All of these walks have an Ordnance Survey route map .

Library Route No. 930116
Greenwick Dale, Millington,
Great Givendale, Bishop Wilton - 12km
(a linear route) Yorkshire Wolds . . .

Route No.941226 - A166 picnic area,
Thixendale, Kirby Underdale,
Garrowby Hill, Deep Dale circuit - 19km
Yorkshire Wolds . . .